Last Updated on January 15, 2022 by Pittalks

Pit coach Walt Smith has been hired by SHR to help out in the pit department for the upcoming 2016 season. We know that sounds vague but we haven’t heard his exact roll yet. We do know he’s been hired just not sure on weather he will take over as the Cup coach, adviser, recruiter, or all of the above. Walt is a coach that has seen plenty of years on pit road. He is a very accomplished coach and has spent years with HMS, DEI, EGR, and MWR. As far as the current situation at SHR, they are in good shape! From what we know, coach’s Joe Piette and Kevin Sharpe are both staying there and why wouldn’t they. They’ve won championships with Tony Stewart and Kevin Harvick while also winning Mechanix Wear back to back pit crew MVP awards with their #4 and #41 teams.
Congratulations to Walt Smith and good luck in your new roll at SHR.
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